Own Your Story And Impact Millions


It’s hard to make decisions for ourselves… it’s especially hard when the decisions are not liked by everyone else. We can’t let fear stand in our way of chasing our dreams. This week we have one of our clients, Matt Gil, join us to talk about his journey of leaving a full-time job to chase his dreams and build his business in the midst of a global pandemic.


  1. Living a life for someone else will cause you to lose yourself. You have to be selfish. We can not serve other people until we have served ourselves first. It’s as black and white as it can be. Be selfish and help yourself, then you can help the people around you.
  2. We have to learn to set boundaries to become free from what is holding us back.
  3. We think that building a life that we love is rooted in making more money, but it actually is rooted in being whole and true to yourself. Then after that comes making money – that’s when life gets more exciting.
  4. Owning your story is owning your value. Once you can stand up and say, “ I have gone through some s**t and this is how I did it, now let me help you do the same” you start owning your value. Owning your story will give you the answers to the question we all ask ourselves, “Why me?” It makes you see your value in what you have accomplished. It shows you what really makes you unique. Remember, there will never be another you on this planet. Your story is unique to you and you only.
  5. You can’t build a life when you are locked in a cage… the cage of fear. You can not grow without doing the things that scare you the most. Once you break free of those fears, you’re unstoppable.


Matt Gil is recognized as a powerful, impactful & soul-stirring speaker, coach, and International Best Selling Author of “Got it, Get it, Give it” where he shares his journey of self-love, acceptance, and ultimately standing in his greatness.

Where to find and connect with him:

Instagram: @mateogil

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/mattgil

Website: www.iclaimvictory.com


Tiffany Largie

You NEED TO GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY BUILDING SOMETHING SO YOU CAN LIVE YOUR DO THE DAMN THING LIFE! Making money while chasing your dreams oftentimes feels impossible. A few times a week join CEO of DO THE DAMN THING® Tiffany Largie as she tells her story and how she built multiple seven-figure businesses without an online funnel the nuances of using your story to build a movement and a brand and getting deep inside of money strategy and healing all at the same time. If you want to BUILD THE DAMN THING FASTER this podcast is for you. If you are trying to get to a million, add a million, or just need to build the damn thing…tune in. There is always something new a few times a week.
