How To become The Spokesperson Of Your Company And BUILD A SALES Pipeline FAST


One of the greatest opportunities that every human have is the ability to become the FACE of your company and be its spokesperson … or just be the spokes person of their life in the form of a personal brand.

In addition to being the CEO. For years Tiffany made the mistake of being behind the desk and rely in on the activity of her sales force to bring the brand to the surface in her community. When she started to DO THE DAMN THING NATION originally called Onwards To Freedom she decided to personally step in front of the company’s products and services and with ease leveraged her personal brand and story to dive into sales and new conversations in the market.

  • How to use your story to drive everything.
  • How to use your story to build culture.
  • How to become the spokesperson and build stronger leads in the market.


There are a couple of next steps that we have for you and are excited about you taking!

1. Do you need help? Like REAL help with your life or business and don’t know where to start?
We’ve got you. Fill out this application at and let us know what’s going on and how we can help.

2. Ready to build your DO THE DAMN THING LIFE ®? Join us live at the NEXT LIVE event! We can’t wait to see you live and welcome you into the family!

3. Are you connected to ours or our CEO’s INSTAGRAM or Facebook … here you go for her‘s business pages and here is our’s.

4. Youtube – WHY YES… we have a WHOLE lot to say there… here is our favorite.

Need something else?

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Tiffany Largie

You NEED TO GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY BUILDING SOMETHING SO YOU CAN LIVE YOUR DO THE DAMN THING LIFE! Making money while chasing your dreams oftentimes feels impossible. A few times a week join CEO of DO THE DAMN THING® Tiffany Largie as she tells her story and how she built multiple seven-figure businesses without an online funnel the nuances of using your story to build a movement and a brand and getting deep inside of money strategy and healing all at the same time. If you want to BUILD THE DAMN THING FASTER this podcast is for you. If you are trying to get to a million, add a million, or just need to build the damn thing…tune in. There is always something new a few times a week.
